A Dirty Business by Tijan -Review (DNF)

I saw mob, criminal underworld, & romantic suspense and thought this would be right up my alley. Unfortunately, this book just wasn't for me. I hate to give up on a book. I very rarely do so but this was a DNF for me. I don't like writing unfavorable reviews. It sucks. But here I go... They met briefly (as in like 5 seconds) in a stairwell at a hockey game. He then shows up at her weekly bowling night and tells her he's had a PI following her the past 3 days and reporting back to him... In what world would a woman be accepting of this? Especially a woman that works as a parole officer?! It screams red flag. And you can't just throw in the word mafia a few times and call it a mafia book. I LOVE a good mafia story; I love a good bad-boy-obsessed trope. This fell short of both of those. I also expect a parole office to be a strong female lead but instead we got a stupid, easily manipulated, indecisive woman. Nothing felt believable. I couldn't at all relate with the main characters. They essentially had zero conversations and that somehow lead to this romanticized obsessive sex and a repeat path of terrible decisions. 
DNF - 33% Page 136/433


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