Divine Rivals: A Novel by Rebecca Ross - Review

"I think we all wear armor. I think those who don't are fools, risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world, over and over again. But if I've learned anything from those fools, it's that to be vulnerable is a strength most of us fear. It takes courage to let down your armor, to welcome people to see you as you are."

This was my first time reading a Rebecca Ross novel. It didn't take long for me to admire her writing. This story was so beautifully written and the emotions behind each word really shine through.

Iris and Roman are rival journalists competing to become columnists. Iris's brother vanished at war. She beings to use her typewriter to write him letters, sliding them underneath her closet door. The letters then disappear. Iris then starts getting letters in return, but they aren't from her brother. They are from Roman. Neither Iris, nor Roman, know who is on the other end of these letter exchanges. 

                       Topics include poverty, grief, war, & addiction. 

                            Slow burn with a character driven plot. 

Alternating POV

 While this book does contain magic, gods, & goddesses, I would consider it a light fantasy. 

I don't want to say too much more. I went into this book completely blind, and I have to recommend you do the same. To be honest, I didn't seek this book out. I was in a reading slump when this book showed up on my recommended shelf on goodreads. When in a slump, I typically go for something fast paced and action packed. This was the exact opposite. Regardless, I'm glad this book found its way to me. 

Prepare for heartbreak. 

I'll definitely read more by Rebecca Ross. 

There are so many notable quotes in this book. 

"Your grief will never fully fade. It will always be with you like a shadow you carry in your soul. But it will become fainter as your life becomes brighter. You will learn to live outside of it again, as impossible as that may sound. Others who share your pain will also help you heal, because you are not alone. Not in your fear, or your grief, or your hopes, or your dreams. You are not alone."


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